The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

YouTube Secrets: YouTube Embed Codes. Autoplay, No Branding, Hide Controls and more

YouTube Embed

If you are going to be using video in your real estate business, and you will be by the way, you will need somewhere to host them. YouTube is {in my opinion} the best video hosting environment for me and for you. With over 55% marketshare among all other video hosting sites combined {Vimeo, Viddler, Daily Motion etc} YouTube is the largest. It is the 2nd largest search engine in the world {behind Google} and it's FREE. By now, {if you are one of our clients} You already … [Read more...]

Real Estate Marketing Strategy: There Is Video in Your Future

How To Beat Your Competition For Listings

I dont need to rub a lamp, make a wish or pull a rabbit from a hat to tell you this: your next real estate marketing strategy is video. Video is the future of your real estate marketing. Now, before you start complaining let me ask you this: if you were looking for a home on the internet, would you prefer to see pictures or watch a video? Real Estate Marketing Strategy What is yours? I may not know you and you may not know me but I would be willing to guess your real estate … [Read more...]

Using Video In Real Estate Marketing

Social Media Use In Real Estate

Ah, video. Who doesn't love video. Real Estate Agents that's who! Hello, my name is Stephen Garner. I am a former title rep for a national title insurance company in Phoenix Arizona. I spent 10 years helping real estate professionals - real estate agents and loan officers - grow their business. One of the most effective way to grow your real estate business is using video for real estate, yet so many real estate agents are not using it. One question I get frequently from … [Read more...]