The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Real Estate Aerial Video. Is Aerial Video ILLEGAL?

aerial video real estate

"IT'S ILLEGAL! I saw it on the news the other day" Said a real estate agent. She was referring to real estate aerial video. Where did she hear this? From a VERY reliable source - a competing title rep. "What Stephen does is ILLEGAL!" she said. Or so they say. Hey, they've said worse, no really - they have. Trust me. OK, so by now you know me. Stephen Garner AKA MyTitleGuy. The bad guy. The guy that is forcing competing title reps to learn more about technologies that real … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video Marketing | How To Become The Area Real Estate Expert

Subdivision real estate video

Consider this. You are in the market for a new home. Like over 90% of consumers you start your search online. You quickly realize - you will need some help. You have narrowed down your search to subdivisions or communities that are in your child's school district and in close proximity to your job. You are not familiar with all the neighborhoods at this point so working with a real estate agent or REALTOR® makes perfect sense. Given the scenario above, would you prefer … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video: Do lifestyle videos sell homes?

Do Lifestyle Videos Sell Homes?

Do lifestyle videos sell homes? I had a loan officer contact me over the weekend asking of I was making lifestyle videos, pointing me towards a WSJ article and video which seems to indicate they are all the rage or will soon be. The article goes on to list specific brokers in high end areas like SoCal and NY that are making lifestyle videos to hopefully give their multi million dollar listings an edge, even pointing to a sale in Nashville of a $1.7 mansion the buyer, who … [Read more...]


real estate marketing video

Vanilla is boring. I've said it before I will say it again and again. NO ONE goes out of their way for Vanilla. Yet, vanilla is everywhere. I'm not talking about ice cream, I'm talking about boring, bland, invisible. Most real estate agents are invisible. Not that they are "secret agents" as some call them, no, they are far from it - they are invisible because they say what most other agents say. They do what most other agents do. They hide in plain sight. When I … [Read more...]

MacX Video Converter Pro FREE!

Video thumbnail for youtube video MacX Video Converter Pro FREE! - My Title Guy

Once in a while I stumble upon something online that is AWESOME and FREE and when I do, it's like the "Mission Impossible" theme music starts in my head as I rush to download it before it disappears. Today, that freebee, which is totally awesome by the way, is MacX Video Converter Pro. Now, before you get all excited and stuff notice the first word in the title of this post - MAC, meaning if you are a PC, "all circuits are busy now please hang up and try your call again … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video: The Road To Get There

real estate video bloopers

When I talk to real estate agents about using video in their real estate business many of them freeze up "video, me! Nooooo". Some give me excuses - "I will" or "I want to lose 10 lbs first" or for the ladies "Stephen...look at my hair!". I get it, I went through it too which is how I can easily recognize it - they are still caught up in the whole "what will other people think" stage; they simply don't know how to get out of their own way. I teach real estate marketing … [Read more...]

Real Estate Videos For Marketing: Another Way To Tell A Story

real estate marketing classes

Real estate videos for marketing are not the future. They are the present. I meet people all the time that ask me "were you scared when you first got in front of the camera?" I take a step back, look at them square in the eye and say - OF COURSE! For some reason we (humans) think we came out of the box with a set skill, but never really think what it took to perfect it. Look at Lebron James. Lebron makes playing basketball look easy, so much so that sometimes I think I can … [Read more...]

How NOT To Use Video In Your Real Estate Business. Oh Snap!


It's Wednesday. Took the family out for dinner. Thai. No more work for today, or so I thought. My wife has been riding me lately... "Stephen, why do you work so much and Stephen can't you not work on the weekends?" After some discussion we came to an agreement: work stops at 5:00. I can work all I want from 8 to 5 but when 5:00 comes it's done. Family time. I'm good with that. What good is work if you don't have a family to work for right? I always tell real estate … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video: Is Video Only For Luxury Real Estate?

real estate video marketing

I got a call the other day from a real estate agent in Minnesota. He, like other real estate agents around the country, contacted me after seeing one of my real estate videos online, through Google or YouTube. He had heard a lot about using video in real estate, did a Google search about real estate video marketing and found this website. He told me he clicked through from Google to an article about using video in real estate. About how important using video is in real … [Read more...]

Video For Real Estate Agents: How To Sell Yourself WITHOUT SELLING Yourself

real estate video

I know the title of this post seems weird right? I mean, how can you sell yourself without selling yourself? Even further - as a real estate professional, aren't you SUPPOSED to SELL yourself? Like an elevator speech of some kind? You may be thinking "What are you talking about Stephen, have you lost it - Idiot?!" Nope. Let me explain. In my experience, everyone has or has had a friend that thinks they are "it". You know the type - "Oh My Gawd, everyone LOVES me" and "I … [Read more...]