Lets talk about using video, specifically, real estate video in your real estate business. Question: Given the choice between reading a real estate article about something you are interested in or watching a short 2-3 minute real estate video about it, which would you choose? Probably real estate video right? Well your ideal client - consumers - is the same way. If you have been in the real estate business for more than a year, I'm pretty sure you have heard statistics about … [Read more...]
Video For Real Estate – Vanity vs Value
April 12, 2011 by Leave a Comment
Congratulations! I say congratulations because you have finally decided to research what it takes to use video in your real estate marketing. It took a lot to get here, I know. You are seeing video EVERYWHERE. There are significant benefits to using video in your real estate marketing. Have you heard some young kid in your office speaking at your office meetings about how he got X amount of buyers or listings from using video in his business yet? You will! I am a former … [Read more...]