The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Whats The Deal With Twitter? May 21st 2013. Mesa Arizona

Twitter For Real Estate

The other day I was teaching a video class. To get an idea of where the real estate agents in the room are technologically I asked "who is on Twitter"?. Of the 40 real estate agents in the room, 5 raised their hands indicating there were on Twitter. I dug deeper. "Who has sent a tweet in the last week?". Crickets. Zip. Nada. Zero. "Whyyyyyyyyy?" I asked. The responses were telling. I hope you can make it. This class is limited to 10 agents, 1st come 1st served. For … [Read more...]

Twitter For Real Estate Agents. How To Use Twitter To Get Leads RIGHT NOW. {Tutorial}

Twitter For Real Estate

"Twitter Is Dumb". I hear this all the time when I meet with real estate professionals; real estate agents and loan officers here in Phoenix, Arizona. I laugh. I ask, "OK, Tell me WHY is Twitter Dumb?" "Well. . . because I just don't get it"or "No one in my office is using Twitter" is what I hear 99.9% of the time. The BLIND leading The BLIND In our real estate marketing classes I often tell real estate agents "I think real estate agents should NOT hang out with other … [Read more...]