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Real Estate Websites: Ignorance Can Cost You – Watch Out For “Joe”

Remember the old saying "Ignorance Can Cost You?". There are many sayings I have heard over the years, many passed down from generation to generation, some are completely false but "ignorance can cost you" is tried and true. I am a former business development manager for a national title insurance company, and I will be the first to admit that I am ignorant. Ignorance sounds like a derogatory word but it's not.  Ignorance is simply the state of being uninformed. So by … [Read more...]

“MyTitleGuy” Has Moved To Old Republic Title Agency

I'm sure you have heard all about the accelerator problems some Toyota models are having where in select instances, the car accelerates out of control.  I knew about the gas pedal problems but I was not aware of a steering problem? So, there I was driving my wife's Toyota Sequoia  from "that other company" minding my own business expecting to head south on the 202 to my home in Chandler when all of a sudden, the truck headed north on the 202 then west on the 60, exited at … [Read more...]