You check your email. Maybe it's Facebook. Or Twitter. Or Linkedin or whatever. And you see it. It's an article from a real estate source about the real estate market or why NOW is the best time to buy or sell or HOW to avoid foreclosure or WHY you NEED a REALTOR® or loan officer or whatever. And it's awesome. It's awesome because you have a client or a potential client that NEEDS to read this article or watch this video about why they need YOU or why NOW is the time … [Read more...]
What Real Estate Agents Should STOP Sharing On Social Media Sites
The Main Ingredient Likely Missing From Your Real Estate Social Media Strategy
Social media has changed the way we communicate, the way we connect, how we share information; it's changed politics and brought foreign regimes and governments to their knees. Social media tools like facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest and YouTube can be fantastic tools to grow your real estate business as well IF you know how to use them. When I say "HOW TO USE THEM" I am not talking about setting up a profile or commenting on X number of profiles or even who you … [Read more...]
Social Media For Real Estate Agents: BEWARE Of The EXPERT
Who do you turn to when you want to learn about the Arizona purchase contract? Your broker? A seasoned real estate agent? Hopefully an expert - correct? Who do you turn to when your car needs service? Your dealer, an off-site mechanic - an expert - correct? Who do you turn to when you need help with social media? A social media expert of course! While you can clearly identify your broker or another real estate agent; your car dealer or a mechanic; do you know what a "social … [Read more...]
“Social Media Is A Waste Of Time For REALTORS”
Got a call the other day from a REALTOR here in Arizona that had come to a few of our real estate marketing classes. "Our" is Grand Canyon Title and the classes - let's just say most of the real estate agents that come leave with a new perspective on real estate marketing. The REALTOR said, "dude, {he calls me dude} I thought of you today when I was in a renewal hour class, the instructor said social media is a waste of time for REALTORS". I laughed and shook my head, it … [Read more...]