The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

What Realtors can learn from sale of the Huffington Post

photo credit: smemon87 On February 7th, Arianna Huffington announced that AOL is purchasing the Huffington Post for 315 million dollars.  The Huffington Post, also referred to as HuffPo, was founded on May 2005 by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, and Jonah Peretti and features various news sources and columnists and contributors. The site provides news coverage of media, politics, business, entertainment world news and comedy among others. Over the years, HuffPo has grown … [Read more...]

Generate More Real Estate Business With Facebook Fanpages

Do you want more traffic to your website or blog? Of course you do, who doesn't! Facebook fanpages are a huge resource for you and your business.  Unfortunately, many Realtors don't know the true value.  There are many reasons to have a Facebook Fanpage for your business, I have included a few below. Advantages of a Facebook Fan Page for your Real Estate business: Provides a central location for your business on the internet If your business has its own Facebook fan page … [Read more...]