The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Why Real Estate Traffic Doesn’t Always Mean Real Estate LEADS

real estate traffic

Traffic and conversion. This is really what the internet is all about. Getting the right real estate TRAFFIC and then CONVERTING it into real estate LEADS. This is especially true in the real estate space as over 90% of consumers are starting their home search online. This fact has resulted in real estate agents migrating towards the internet in droves believing a website will save their business. I've talked to my share of real estate agents that meet with me here in … [Read more...]

Do You Own Your Real Estate Business? You Could Be Making A HUGE Mistake

Video thumbnail for youtube video Do You Own Your Real Estate Business? You Could Be Making A HUGE Mistake - My Title Guy

Do you own it? Over the course of my 11 years in the title insurance industry in Phoenix I have seen so many real estate agents making a HUGE mistake when it comes to their real estate business. They come to the real estate marketing classes we teach on WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, SEO/SEM, Video and when I say "You need to OWN IT!" there is always an agent that raises their hand and says "I learned that the hard way".  Some of them are still trying … [Read more...]

Give People What They Want! They Won’t Wait For You

Give People What They Want

I got home from work today {Friday} when my wife asked me "did you have a chance to go to the bank today?" Crap! I totally forgot all about it. I needed to get a cashiers check and I - being Stephen - totally spaced it. It was 5:15 pm. I wondered, is my bank - Arizona Federal Credit Union still open? So what do you think I did? Yep - I went online. Not to Arizona Federal's website {that would take too long} I asked Google. Arizona-Federal-Hours. Google dumped me right back … [Read more...]

Real Estate Blog Content: But I Have Nothing To Write About

real estate blog content

What is good real estate blog content? If you ask me, I believe SEARCH is the future of marketing. You need something and you SEARCH for it online. What's the name of that movie? You SEARCH for it online, Cough won't go away - you SEARCH for a reason - online. This is especially true in the real estate space where over 94% of consumers start their home SEARCH online. Real estate marketing has changed, from spamming everyone to helping them find you online. You can help … [Read more...]

Writing Workshop [Writer’s Camp] For REALTORS Launches In Arizona

Writing Workshop For REALTORS

Does any of this sound familiar? Being  a REALTOR or real estate agent is not an easy job. It takes commitment, passion, knowledge - a license and lets not forget about time and money. When you decided to get into this business you made a promise to your self - you were going to succeed - whatever it took. I mean, you didn't say "I will try" right? No, you said I am going to do this. You get your real estate license, picked a real estate broker and you reported for … [Read more...]

City Of San Francisco to Ban Yellow Pages Delivery | Inbound Marketers Rejoice

Inbound Marketing For Real Estate

When I think of trends or things that are "trendy" they usually originate in places like Milan, London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Miami or San Francisco. Wait, San Francisco? Yes, San San Francisco. San Fran has officially become [in my book anyway] the most trendy city in the United States. It's latest trend I hope every state, city, and county in the United States follow. The trend is banning the delivery of the Yellow Pages. I am a former title rep for a national … [Read more...]

Real Estate Marketing Ideas: Is your real estate marketing dumb?

real estate marketing tips

I received another one. Another stupid postcard from some real estate agent I don't know, have never heard of and would never work with. I chuckle and cringe when I receive these kind of things in the mail, they are funny to me. Hey, at least I took the time to look at it. I bet 99.9% of the other consumers that received her postcard didn't even do that. Well, at least she had help in paying for it - from her title company and her loan officer. I have spent 10 years in the … [Read more...]

Real Estate Content – Real Estate Websites

Somewhere on the east coast..... There is a man. He is retired. He lives in upstate New York, or Pennsylvania, or Massachusetts - he lives where it's cold. Not just cold, bone cold - and windy. He is shoveling snow from his driveway and sidewalk - AGAIN. Heavy, wet, dirty, slushy snow. As he shovels he moans about his taxes. They keep going up. His taxes go up, yet services go down. Just then, a car drives by and splashes cold, wet, dirty slush on him. "Dammit!" He … [Read more...]

WordPress vs Active Rain – Which Is Best For Your Real Estate Business

MyTitleGuy Signature

    It's the age old question, not the chicken or the egg,  WordPress vs Active Rain - which is better for your real estate business? I am a former business development manager for a national title insurance company in Phoenix Arizona, I spent 10 years helping real estate professionals [REALTORS and Loan Officers] grow their business. I was around in the days when postcards and flyers actually worked! Today,  everything [and everyone] is shifting online, … [Read more...]

Inbound Deficit Disorder – It’s Effect on Real Estate Marketing – Real Estate Websites

You Don't Have To Suffer In Silence   Is your real estate business spending thousands of dollars and getting little to no return on your investment? Are you constantly chasing the next deal? Do you LOVE direct mail? Your real estate business could be suffering from Inbound Deficit Disorder. As if your business didn't have "enough" problems, there is a new one making it's rounds across the real estate industry. While certainly dangerous, this disorder won't kill you - … [Read more...]