Change. It happens. If there is one thing I know for sure it's this: change is inevitable. Some people are scared of change. I love it. I love change in part because of what it creates. Change creates opportunity. Some people would have you believe change occurs over night. These are probably the ones that came up on the short side of change. They just didn't see it coming. In actuality, change is always happening. When it comes to change, there are those that spot … [Read more...]
Real Estate Video Marketing | 9 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Should Make A Video For EVERY Listing
I got a call the other day from a real estate agent in Florida. His question: should I bother making real estate videos for my lower end listings? I used to get questions from real estate agents like "should I use video?", I don't get those so much anymore which tells me the real estate community is FINALLY catching on regarding video and how important it is for any business but especially real estate. What I told him and what I will tell you is YES! You should make a … [Read more...]
How NOT To Use Video In Your Real Estate Business. Oh Snap!
It's Wednesday. Took the family out for dinner. Thai. No more work for today, or so I thought. My wife has been riding me lately... "Stephen, why do you work so much and Stephen can't you not work on the weekends?" After some discussion we came to an agreement: work stops at 5:00. I can work all I want from 8 to 5 but when 5:00 comes it's done. Family time. I'm good with that. What good is work if you don't have a family to work for right? I always tell real estate … [Read more...]
Real Estate Video: Is Video Only For Luxury Real Estate?
I got a call the other day from a real estate agent in Minnesota. He, like other real estate agents around the country, contacted me after seeing one of my real estate videos online, through Google or YouTube. He had heard a lot about using video in real estate, did a Google search about real estate video marketing and found this website. He told me he clicked through from Google to an article about using video in real estate. About how important using video is in real … [Read more...]
Protected: Real Estate Video Marketing: Video Equipment For Real Estate
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Real Estate Video Marketing: Creating Videos Of Value
I have been saying this for some time, If you are a regular visitor to, you have heard me say this before: "Real Estate Video Marketing Is The Future Of Real Estate Marketing". I have been using real estate video in my title business for over 2 years, I have seen amazing results from using real estate video marketing. As I have told you before, almost 50% of my leads come from my videos. As the Director Of Sales Technology for Lawyers Title, I have been on a … [Read more...]
YouTube: 90% Of All Web Traffic Will be Video
I read something the other day from YouTube that literally jumped off the page at me when I saw it. It jumped off the page because it simply made sense. What did I read? "90% of all web traffic will be video". I remember when I first took statistics in college. I failed it. Miserably. Unfortunately for me, statistics was a required course for the B.A.Criminal Justice program at UNLV. I failed it because I simply didn't get it. Nor did I care. Why do I care about the Bayes' … [Read more...]
Real Estate Video Marketing: Marketing Has Changed
Real Estate Video marketing is poised to explode in 2012. Once reserved for real estate agents and companies with significant resources, real estate video marketing is now accessible to everyone. Take me for example. I started using video in my marketing about 3 years ago and never looked back, 275 videos and counting {100 public} on my real estate marketing youtube channel and the leads are literally flowing in. 50% of the leads I get through this website come … [Read more...]