In my capacity as the Director of Sales Technology for Grand Canyon Title Agency in Phoenix [boy that's a mouth full], my job, my responsibility is to help Phoenix real estate agents grow their business. There are many ways to do this but the tools I use involve the use of technology. I don't normally do: direct mail, print real estate ads, print real estate books, magnets, Phoenix Suns, Coyotes, AZ Diamondbacks, ASU, NAU, Cardinals sports schedules, branded coffee mugs, … [Read more...]
Real Estate Marketing Video: The Ultimate SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization, is a word that is so played out, I hate saying it myself. I still can't believe I am using it in this post, let alone in the title of this post because to tell you the truth - I hate SEO. I hate SEO or search engine optimization because it implies that it's all about the search engine, Google, Yahoo, Bing etc] it's not - it's about creating content for the CONSUMER. Write for search engines and you will likely hear: Do this and don't do … [Read more...]
Real Estate Video Marketing: Marketing Has Changed
Real Estate Video marketing is poised to explode in 2012. Once reserved for real estate agents and companies with significant resources, real estate video marketing is now accessible to everyone. Take me for example. I started using video in my marketing about 3 years ago and never looked back, 275 videos and counting {100 public} on my real estate marketing youtube channel and the leads are literally flowing in. 50% of the leads I get through this website come … [Read more...]
How NOT To Use Video In Real Estate Marketing
I woke up the other day to email. Lots of email. Delete, Delete, Delete - as I work my way through the 120 I received in the last 24 hours. I skim the messages to make sure it's not from someone I know [personal email] a client [business email] or that it doesn't contain some marketing value, maybe something I had not thought of before on how to use something I use every day with more efficiency, ya know - facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WordPress etc. As I am skimming the … [Read more...]
Real Estate Marketing Video. The Art Of The Story
YES! This is another of my posts about real estate marketing video. Are you using it yet? Come on, what is holding you back? I know, maybe your existing real estate marketing is working wonders for you. If this is the case, awesome - keep it up. But if not, then maybe you should look at changing things up some, with real estate marketing video. Today is Monday, and I am feeling particularly good. I had a great weekend. In addition to spending some much needed quality time … [Read more...]