The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

“Ahem, I Don’t Need A Door”

Get Found Online

So, if you have visited this website you know that I often talk about "stories". How they are a great way to convey information in a way that most people prefer. Done effectively, stories are engaging and interesting and certainly entertaining. I love stories. I love stories so much that I either begin or end each blog post I write with one. Today I would like to tell you a story about "why I don't need a door". Lets Back Up Ok, so let's back up about a year ago. I was … [Read more...]

What’s Inbound Marketing – Does It Work?

It's a question I get routinely as I meet with real estate professionals or talk to them over the phone "What's Inbound Marketing?" Followed closely by "Does It Work?" The funny thing about these questions is they are often times answered by the real estate professional through their actions. That's because 8 out of 10 times its a real estate agent in another state asking the question. I am a former business development manager for a national title insurance company in … [Read more...]

Marketing To The Internet HUB

marketing to the hub

Do you have a HUB?  Do you know how to market to it? No this isn't some new real estate designation you just gotta have, a HUB is a common destination for people to come together.  I grew up in Syracuse New York, I spent the better part of my life there, leaving when I was 22.  When I was in high school the place to see and be be seen was at my boy Sammy's house.  Sammy always had the best parties, it didn't matter if you were a freshman or a senior, if you were at Sammy's … [Read more...]

Are THEY Finding You?

Are they finding you?  When I say "They" I am referring to your target audience, are they finding you online?  Do you even know who your target audience is?  My target audience is Real Estate Professionals, FSBO's etc. I am a business development manager for a national title insurance company in Phoenix Arizona, I help real estate professionals-real estate agents and loan officers/lenders-get "found" online. I have made it my mission to help the real estate professionals … [Read more...]

FaceBook-The New Google?

Last week Facebook announced that it now has over 400 million active users,  Let me say that again......Facebook has more than 400 Million users. Even more amazing.....225 million of those were added in the last 12 months!  To put this statistic in context, the population of the United States is a little over 300 Million. We all belong to the country of Facebook. These days you would be hard pressed to meet anyone that does not have a facebook account.  In fact, I can tell … [Read more...]

When It Comes To Marketing, Are You In Or Out?

Well, are you In or Out?  Don't worry, I'm not trying to get you to join some double secret probation group, I'm talking about Marketing. Is your marketing an example of Inbound marketing or Outbound Marketing? # 1 In the Real Estate and sales industry we have been conditioned to work with Outbound Marketing. Examples of Outbound marketing are Telemarketing open houses Email blasts direct mail campaigns TV & Radio Ads The problem is that our customers are … [Read more...]