So, if you have visited this website you know that I often talk about "stories". How they are a great way to convey information in a way that most people prefer. Done effectively, stories are engaging and interesting and certainly entertaining. I love stories. I love stories so much that I either begin or end each blog post I write with one. Today I would like to tell you a story about "why I don't need a door". Lets Back Up Ok, so let's back up about a year ago. I was … [Read more...]
Echo Boomer and REALTOR®: Two Ships Passing In The Night
"Two ships passing in the night". When I hear this I am immediately brought back to when I was a kid, watching a Humphrey Bogart movie my mom forced me to watch. Well, OK, maybe I enjoyed it. The phrase, Two ships passing in the night is an idiom, often said of people who meet for a brief moment and then part, never to see each other again. This time I am not talking about 2 strangers in a romantic setting but a business one. Not boy vs girl or man vs woman but REALTOR® vs … [Read more...]
Why Many Real Estate Agents Will Be SCREWED In 2 Years
photo credit: Public Domain Photos You have seen sensationalized headlines before, "woman gives birth to two headed baby!" They certainly get our attention, even if its just a chuckle. "Why Many Real Estate Agents Will Be SCREWED In 2 Years" may seem sensationalized but it's not. I believe it's a fact. I am a business development manager for a national title insurance company, I help real estate professionals-real estate agents and loan officers-get found on the … [Read more...]