The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

FaceBook-The New Google?

Last week Facebook announced that it now has over 400 million active users,  Let me say that again......Facebook has more than 400 Million users. Even more amazing.....225 million of those were added in the last 12 months!  To put this statistic in context, the population of the United States is a little over 300 Million. We all belong to the country of Facebook. These days you would be hard pressed to meet anyone that does not have a facebook account.  In fact, I can tell … [Read more...]

Export Your Facebook Contacts

If you are a Realtor or Lender, you have this fantastic online database called Facebook.  You interact with your "friends" on almost a daily basis, building online relationships to eventually move them offline.  Now, don't you wish there was a way to export your contacts to Outlook or some other CCM program? Well there is.  You can follow the step by step directions to transfer your contacts info into Outlook or a CSV file. Click HERE for step by step directions. You will … [Read more...]