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Aerial Real Estate Video | Let The Arms Race Begin

Bank One Ballpark

The arms race has begun. When I say "arms race" I am referring to aerial video. I remember when I first saw an aerial video. I KNEW it was a game changer, more for me than most. It meant more for me as I had been using video in my business since 2008, I already had the cameras, lenses, jibs, cranes, software, c-stands, diffusers - you get the idea. I already owned everything that was needed to do real estate video - well. I say "do real estate video well" specifically … [Read more...]

Aerial Videography Phoenix. Taking Your Real Estate Marketing To New Heights – Literally

Video thumbnail for youtube video Aerial Videography Phoenix. Taking Your Real Estate Marketing To New Heights - Literally - My Title Guy

As a listing real estate agent you are always looking for better and more cost effective ways to market your real estate listings. It's all about the marketing - getting your sellers home in front of the most people in the most effective mediums. Because the Multiple Listing Service or MLS is simply not enough and offers no significant differentiator (every agent has access to MLS), real estate agents looking for an edge on their competition upped the stakes by adding in … [Read more...]