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Real Estate Marketing – It’s All About The Numbers

twitter for real estate

Remember the days when postcards and flyers were all the rage? I know what you are thinking, no this is not a typical rant against direct mail, this one is about Twitter. So do you? Remember when? Hello, my name is Stephen Garner, a former title rep for a national title insurance company in Phoenix, Arizona. I spent 10 years in the title industry helping real estate agents and loan officers grow their business. Back in the days, real estate agents used flyers and postcards … [Read more...]

The Power Of Search In Your Real Estate Business

I had a realization today, an A-HA moment if you will.  I am a business development manager for a national title insurance company in Phoenix Arizona, I help real estate professionals-real estate agents and loan officers/lenders-get found online, where your clients are. I spend so much of my day trying to demonstrate to real estate professionals what the future holds.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the way we-as consumers-"search" has changed.  Remember … [Read more...]

How Is Your Real Estate Marketing Working For You?

I have often been told that I have a weird sense of humor. I can believe that. Something that I find funny others don't, human nature I guess.  2010 marks my 10th year in the title industry. I am a business development manager for a national title insurance company in Phoenix Arizona. I help real estate professionals-Real estate agents and loan officers-to develop strategies, marketing strategies, to grow their business. Over the years, I have seen some CRA-A-A-A-ZY … [Read more...]

Real Estate Professionals: I Bet You Have Never Had A Call Like This

Its happened to you before.  You are busy, probably calling your clients checking in to discover if they or anyone they know is in need of your services.  I get it.  It is stressful.  Being a real estate professional is certainly stressful, in any market, especially this one.  An environment where 80+% of all sales in the Phoenix Metro area are distressed sales, Bank owned (REO) or short sale. Anything can and most likely will happen when closing one of these. So, there you … [Read more...]