Change. It happens. If there is one thing I know for sure it's this: change is inevitable. Some people are scared of change. I love it. I love change in part because of what it creates. Change creates opportunity. Some people would have you believe change occurs over night. These are probably the ones that came up on the short side of change. They just didn't see it coming. In actuality, change is always happening. When it comes to change, there are those that spot … [Read more...]
Real Estate Video Marketing | 9 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Should Make A Video For EVERY Listing
I got a call the other day from a real estate agent in Florida. His question: should I bother making real estate videos for my lower end listings? I used to get questions from real estate agents like "should I use video?", I don't get those so much anymore which tells me the real estate community is FINALLY catching on regarding video and how important it is for any business but especially real estate. What I told him and what I will tell you is YES! You should make a … [Read more...]
Video Testimonials: 13 recommendations to better video testimonials
Testimonials seem to be all the rage. Especially in the real estate space. It seems like every time I turn around, a real estate agent or loan officer is asking me for a testimonial on LinkedIn or some other platform. Testimonials are important in part because of "social proof" or relatability but all testimonials are not created the same. A client of mine, who knows how much I love train wrecks, forwarded me a testimonial video for a title company the other day. The … [Read more...]
MacX Video Converter Pro FREE!
Once in a while I stumble upon something online that is AWESOME and FREE and when I do, it's like the "Mission Impossible" theme music starts in my head as I rush to download it before it disappears. Today, that freebee, which is totally awesome by the way, is MacX Video Converter Pro. Now, before you get all excited and stuff notice the first word in the title of this post - MAC, meaning if you are a PC, "all circuits are busy now please hang up and try your call again … [Read more...]
Video For Real Estate Agents: How To Sell Yourself WITHOUT SELLING Yourself
I know the title of this post seems weird right? I mean, how can you sell yourself without selling yourself? Even further - as a real estate professional, aren't you SUPPOSED to SELL yourself? Like an elevator speech of some kind? You may be thinking "What are you talking about Stephen, have you lost it - Idiot?!" Nope. Let me explain. In my experience, everyone has or has had a friend that thinks they are "it". You know the type - "Oh My Gawd, everyone LOVES me" and "I … [Read more...]
FREE Video Editing Software For iPad 2 and later – Pinnacle Studio
Have you ever gone somewhere - a new listing, a listing appointment or maybe even met with a past real estate client and wished you had brought your video camera? I don't know, maybe you wanted to shoot the new listing or possibly even record an EPIC testimonial from a past client saying how AWESOME you are and WHY every smart buyer or seller should work with you, but you didn't have your camera. Has that ever happened to you? If not - it will. I guarantee it. You will be … [Read more...]
Protected: How To Make A Real Estate Video Bumper – For FREE {Tutorial}
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Real Estate Marketing With Video: Video Equipment Needed
Real estate marketing with video is the future. I have said it before. There are two kinds of real estate agents: those using video in their real estate business now and those that will be. Sure video is cool and fun but that is not why you will be using it in your real estate business, no, you will be using it because consumers prefer video. Not only do they prefer it, they are demanding it. Video says so much more than a picture or text ever could. Video is not only … [Read more...]
Protected: Marketing Real Estate: Screen Capture Video Marketing
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