The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Title Reps: Marketing Rep vs Sales Rep

Title Reps

If you are a real estate agent in the Phoenix Metro area you have been contacted by one of "US". "US" is the marketing rep or the sales rep from your local title company, collectively called "title reps". We call you, email you, send direct mail correspondence, pop bye unannounced, speak at your sales meetings, feed you, take you to basketball, football and other events for one reason: we wan't you to use our title company. While you may know us as title reps, there are … [Read more...]

Senate Bill 133 Is A Title Rep’s Best Friend. Here’s Why

Marketing Title

Thaaaaat's right, I said it. SB 133 is a California title rep's best friend. And I mean it. Here's why. Today I received a call from a title rep in California, smart guy, been in the title business for over 20 years, let's call him "Doug". "Doug" like so many other title reps, title companies, attorneys and real estate agents found me online. He went to a search engine like Google and asked it a question. Like other consumers he did this for one of two reasons, 1). to … [Read more...]

Real Estate Marketing Tips: My Interview With Dan Sfera

Video thumbnail for youtube video Real Estate Marketing Tips: My Interview With Dan Sfera - My Title Guy

It started with a RT. In 2011 more and more of us are meeting, not in person but on Twitter. "RT@TheRealDanSfera [my article]". I thought, "cool, I wonder who this guy is". I had never heard of him, his name did not sound familiar, curiosity got the best of me. I opened Hootsuite for iPhone and clicked his Twitter handle. @TheRealDanSfera. He didn't look familiar. His profile said he is not a REALTOR®, Real estate Agent, Attorney, Title Company or Title Rep. He is … [Read more...]

Marketing REALTORS: What Title Reps Can Learn From IBM and KODAK

Title Rep Marketing

Blockbuster Video, Empire Records, Broadcast News what do they have in common? When I was a kid, I loved movie night - Fridays. My father traveled a lot for business so on Friday's my brother and I got mom's homemade pizza and a movie. That movie always came from one place - Blockbuster Video. I could not imagine why that would change. When I got older, my parents let me venture past my neighborhood, as long as I had my best friend Jonathan with me. Like many … [Read more...]

Providing Valuable Tools Your REALTORS Want And Need

marketing a title company

He is a title rep. He is good too. He has been in the business for years. His job is to get real estate agents and loan officers to use his title company over the many others in his market. He makes his calls, cold calls, warm calls, office calls trying to meet and engage his ideal client - real estate agents. He has been in the title business for years but he has a problem. It's not going well. The things he used to provide to real estate agents, [post cards, flyers, … [Read more...]

Title Company Marketing- The Emergence of the Beta Rep

Title Company Marketing

I was a title rep from 2001 to 2011, 10 years of joy, frustration, stress, anxiety, did I say frustration? I worked for 5 different title companies over those 10 years - all in Phoenix, one of the most competitive real estate and title markets in the country. I've met and worked with a lot of title reps over those 10 years. Great people. Let me say that again - great people. It takes a certain amount of gusto to go forward with the rejection that title reps are often … [Read more...]

Protected: Title Insurance Marketing – How To Help Your Real Estate Agents Succeed And Have Them Love You For It

Title Rep

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: … [Read more...]

So You Are A New Title Insurance Rep | Title Insurance Company Marketing

Title Insurance Marketing

So, you are a new title rep. First of all, congratulations. The title industry is a fantastic industry to work within. Being a title rep is fun, challenging and rewarding. You will hopefully be working with some of the best and biggest REALTORS, real estate agents, brokers, banks, investors around. Welcome to the title business! "Now SINK or SWIM!" This is the message that I got [essentially] 10 years ago when I started as a title rep. I filled out the paperwork in my … [Read more...]

Title Company Marketing – What Is Value?

Title Company Marketing

It's Friday Yea! The last day of work before the weekend. Thousands, scratch that - hundreds of thousands of 9 to 5ers celebrate this day as the last day before they get to relax and unwind from a long week. Of course, I am not included in those 9 to 5ers, I left the title industry after 10 years to focus on my new venture - PRO-Found Marketing. Starting a new company is a lot like having a baby, it's a lot of work and worry and frustration and you can't wait for it to be … [Read more...]

How Real Estate Agents Are Like Elephants

Title Company Marketing

  "Warning: This is a generalization.... Thanks Cara". :-) Real estate agents are like elephants. No they are not big or ugly or smell. Agents are like elephants because they - like elephants - have great memories - they never forget - they hold grudges against their abusers. My mom says by 7 year old daughter has a memory like an elephant. She never forgets. Really. We go places that I have long since forgotten about that she remembers - immediately. "Dad, … [Read more...]