The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Real Estate Agents: Don’t You EVER… EVER… EVER.. Do THIS


Everywhere I look I see real estate agents doing it. It makes me want to SCREAM "what are you doing?!!". I see them do it on facebook, on Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, even on their own real estate websites. I met with an agent yesterday that I would consider pretty "tech savvy" and even HE DID IT. So I told him what I am about to tell you and If you are anything like him (and I am betting you are) this simple fix will result in more traffic, more leads, more closings and … [Read more...]

Real Estate Marketing: 8 Ways NOT To Get Found Online

Real Estate Content Creation

Look here and look there, it seems like everyone is an SEO or Search Engine Optimization expert. They tell real estate agents like you to do this or do that. Post this or post that. All to get noticed by the pretty lady. The pretty lady in this case is Google and she has the power to make or break your real estate business. Since there are so many experts out there telling you what you should do, I thought we should discuss 8  ways NOT to get found online. 8 Ways NOT To Get … [Read more...]

I Was Wrong. Please Forgive Me

adapt or die

I was wrong. I am sorry. It takes a big man to step up in front of the 4000 + real estate professionals that visit every month and say this. I hope you can forgive me. I meant no harm. I was simply going by the information I was given. The information that I found. How could I have known that it was wrong? Maybe I should have done more research. Spent more time away from helping my clients grow their real estate business with WordPress, Video, Screencast and … [Read more...]

They Ask A Question. How To Get Found Online


"In the real estate industry the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important groups. The real estate agents who find or list homes and the loan officers who finance them. These are my stories." This story is 100% true.  So, I'm sitting here in my office at Grand Canyon Title today [Friday] talking to a loan officer when my other line beeps. I look. It's an out of state phone number. 562 area code - Norwalk, CA, or so my iPhone 4s says. I couldn't help … [Read more...]

“Ahem, I Don’t Need A Door”

Get Found Online

So, if you have visited this website you know that I often talk about "stories". How they are a great way to convey information in a way that most people prefer. Done effectively, stories are engaging and interesting and certainly entertaining. I love stories. I love stories so much that I either begin or end each blog post I write with one. Today I would like to tell you a story about "why I don't need a door". Lets Back Up Ok, so let's back up about a year ago. I was … [Read more...]

Using Hyperlocal Real Estate Marketing To Compete With The Top Real Estate Websites

MyTitleGuy Signature

I was cruising my Twitter feed last night when I came across a tweet from a real estate agent. The tweet - an article from Inman featuring a list of the top 20 real estate websites for the month of November 2011. The real estate agent was tweeting it out for informational purposes {I'm sure} but it struck me - how screwed most real estate agents really are when it comes to competing online for real estate consumers. Here is what I mean 94% of consumers are starting … [Read more...]

Waking Up On Mars: The Shift In Real Estate Marketing

inbound-vs-outbound-marketing infographic

Have you ever been to Mars? Well you could be in luck, rather out of luck depending on how you view a trip to Mars. Since the dawn of the ages man has been amazed by new frontiers. We are explorers, always wondering what is on the other side of the ocean, the horizon, the world. Let me try and show you what is on the other side of your real estate business for those that do not adopt some form of inbound marketing strategies in their real estate business. Many real … [Read more...]

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Don’t Be A Victim Of Hindsight

Video thumbnail for youtube video Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Don't Be A Victim Of Hindsight - My Title Guy

"If I had only known. . ." if you are like most people you have said this little gem hundreds of times. World English Dictionary lists hindsight as — n 1. the ability to understand, after something has happened, what should have been done or what caused the event We see hindsight everywhere. Our personal relationships, professional - literally, everywhere. If I had only known, I wouldn't have done this or that. The world would be such an easier place to live IF we … [Read more...]

Here’s a Quick Way To Ruin A Movie

Online Real Estate Marketing

Saturday night. Date night for many folks, a time to get away from the kids and spend some much needed time quality time just between the two of you. Away from the kids, the stress, the "can I have this" and "dad come quick - I want that" as a finger points towards the TV. We decided to go see a movie. If it was up to me I would have picked some raunchy or blow em up "guy" movie -  Horrible Bosses, The Change Up, Friends With Benefits, Cowboys vs Aliens but it wasn't up to … [Read more...]

Real Estate Content | How To Get “Found” Online

Real Estate Blog Content

You've heard it said before, "content is king", but what does that really mean? When it comes to growing your real estate business not many tools are as efficient, as successful as engaging as a website and unique, engaging, keyword rich, valuable content. You know from your own behavior that when you need something - anything - you [most likely] go to the Internet. Not just the Internet, you most likely go to something called a search engine, like Google. Looking for a … [Read more...]