So I was exploring Google + today, updating my business page, [hopefully you knew you can set up a business page on Google + now] when I noticed something a little out of place. I thought "hmm I wonder why that is there?". "That" is a YouTube Logo to the right of the screen in Google + when reviewing your stream. Rather conspicuous, it stuck out like a sore thumb, just begging to be clicked on. So. . .I did. It's called YouTube Slider How YouTube Slider … [Read more...]
Google + Launches Business Pages. Ready, GO!
Well real estate peeps the long awaited day is here: Today Google announced the launch of Pages. While this may or may not be a big deal for you, it is for many businesses - including mine. Google + pages [as they are being called] look a lot like Facebook fan pages, with one main difference - they are backed by the largest search engine in the world that holds your search business in its hands. {exhale} Google + pages will allow you to connect with your past, present … [Read more...]
Google Plus Themed Avatar: How To Make Your Own
Are you on Google +? I sure hope you are. Google Plus is not just another social network, it has significant SEO or Search Engine Optimization benefits. Besides, Google Plus or G+ is not just another social network, it's Google's Social Network. Well, now you can tell everyone you are on Google + with your very own custom G+ themed avatar like mine above. Here's the How To: Go to Select "Get Started" and upload your … [Read more...]
How Google Plus Can Grow Your Real Estate Business
Google Plus! I know, I know, it's just another social network of which there are a billion. Let's see. . .there is facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Hi5, flickr, digg and a billion others that are trying to enter the social networking space. If you are like many real estate agents I have spoken with you may have the attitude of "I'm not joining Google Plus, I have facebook!" This is definitely a valid point. I mean who in their right mind would want ANOTHER social network to … [Read more...]
Google Plus – This Time I’m Doing It Differently
We all make mistakes. I know I have made my fair share of them. Given the choice I would do some things over - differently. Like that time I went bombing (that's when you throw snow balls at passing cars, at least that's what we called it in New York) of all the cars, I hit my mom's best friend driving by in her brand new black Ford Escort - my friends and I ran until I heard Stephen Daniel Garner! - CRAP, Busted. Sure, it's fun hearing about it 23 years after the fact but … [Read more...]