The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Google + Introduces YouTube Slider. Google + Just Got “Stickier”

New On Google +

So I was exploring Google + today, updating my business page, [hopefully you knew you can set up a business page on Google + now] when I noticed something a little out of place. I thought "hmm I wonder why that is there?". "That" is a YouTube Logo to the right of the screen in Google + when reviewing your stream. Rather conspicuous, it stuck out like a sore thumb, just begging to be clicked on. So. . .I did. It's called YouTube Slider How YouTube Slider … [Read more...]

Google + Launches Business Pages. Ready, GO!

Video thumbnail for youtube video Google + Launches Business Pages. Ready, GO! - My Title Guy

Well real estate peeps the long awaited day is here: Today Google announced the launch of Pages. While this may or may not be a big deal for you, it is for many businesses - including mine. Google + pages [as they are being called] look a lot like Facebook fan pages, with one main difference - they are backed by the largest search engine in the world that holds your search business in its hands. {exhale} Google + pages will allow you to connect with your past, present … [Read more...]

Google Plus Themed Avatar: How To Make Your Own

Are you on Google +? I sure hope you are. Google Plus is not just another social network, it has significant SEO or Search Engine Optimization benefits. Besides, Google Plus or G+ is not just another social network, it's Google's Social Network. Well, now you can tell everyone you are on Google + with your very own custom G+ themed  avatar like mine above. Here's the How To: Go to       Select "Get Started" and upload your … [Read more...]

How Google Plus Can Grow Your Real Estate Business

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Google Plus! I know, I know, it's just another social network of which there are a billion. Let's see. . .there is facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Hi5, flickr, digg and a billion others that are trying to enter the social networking space. If you are like many real estate agents I have spoken with you may have the attitude of "I'm not joining Google Plus, I have facebook!" This is definitely a valid point. I mean who in their right mind would want ANOTHER social network to … [Read more...]

How To Add Google +1 and Google + Buttons To Your WordPress Website

Add Google +1 Button

Google Plus has receiving so much attention  lately, in fact there is debate as to whether or not it is a facbook killer, some say it is another social fad some say it is the real deal that will not only change social networking but SEO as Google has and continues to change its algorithm to be more social. Personally I like Google + more than facebook, right now anyway,as businesses and brands have not entered the fold which means no selling, Yet - Yea! I like Google plus, … [Read more...]

Google Plus – This Time I’m Doing It Differently

Google plus

We all make mistakes. I know I have made my fair share of them. Given the choice I would do some things over - differently. Like that time I went bombing (that's when you throw snow balls at passing cars, at least that's what we called it in New York) of all the cars, I hit my mom's best friend driving by in her brand new black Ford Escort - my friends and I ran until I heard Stephen Daniel Garner! - CRAP, Busted. Sure, it's fun hearing about it 23 years after the fact but … [Read more...]