The Hello Bar is a simple notification bar that engages users and communicates a call to action.

Real Estate Agents: Don’t You EVER… EVER… EVER.. Do THIS


Everywhere I look I see real estate agents doing it. It makes me want to SCREAM "what are you doing?!!". I see them do it on facebook, on Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, even on their own real estate websites. I met with an agent yesterday that I would consider pretty "tech savvy" and even HE DID IT. So I told him what I am about to tell you and If you are anything like him (and I am betting you are) this simple fix will result in more traffic, more leads, more closings and … [Read more...]

Aerial Videography Phoenix. Taking Your Real Estate Marketing To New Heights – Literally

Video thumbnail for youtube video Aerial Videography Phoenix. Taking Your Real Estate Marketing To New Heights - Literally - My Title Guy

As a listing real estate agent you are always looking for better and more cost effective ways to market your real estate listings. It's all about the marketing - getting your sellers home in front of the most people in the most effective mediums. Because the Multiple Listing Service or MLS is simply not enough and offers no significant differentiator (every agent has access to MLS), real estate agents looking for an edge on their competition upped the stakes by adding in … [Read more...]

Real Estate Marketing: How Does Hummingbird Affect Search?

Video thumbnail for youtube video Real Estate Marketing: How Does Hummingbird Affect Search? - My Title Guy

Today over 90% of consumers start their home search online. 80% of them, will choose the first agent they find. This is why you, as a real estate agent have a website, hopefully WordPress, why you advertise on websites like Zillow, Trulia, REALTOR dot com, Craigslist etc and why you are creating videos. You want to get found online. Getting found online is synonymous with one word - Google. Over 67% of consumers turn to Google when they have a need. Google has replaced the … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video Tours: Should You Make A Video For Every Listing?

Video real estate

You would have to be living under a rock not to of heard the word "video" 10,000 times this year. EVERYONE is talking about real estate video marketing. I have to admit, I am one of the biggest if not the biggest offender. I even have my own course to help real estate agents use video in their real estate business. Video changed my business. I went from being a commodity, to unique. For all the times I have told real estate agents "the consumer believes you are a … [Read more...]

“It’s Not Fair!” Oh YES It Is.

video for real estate

I taught a video class today. An updated version of my "How To Use Video In Real Estate" series that I've taught across the valley for the last 3 years. For those that have not attended this class, it's all about HOW to get started in real estate video. I don't reduce it to "use your iPhone or iPad to shoot video", we get into mindset, what to make videos about, YouTube, video outlines, video editing, video syndication, types of video and more - there really is … [Read more...]

It’s Not Me! Web Wednesday

Lately I have received a number of phone calls and emails from frustrated and to put it bluntly "pissed" real estate professionals. They are upset because their time is valuable. And they believe it's being wasted. They are being invited to real estate marketing classes that sound familiar. Classes that sound a lot like mine. Believing I am teaching them, they are going. Driving from Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert to Scottsdale. Driving from Scottsdale, Glendale and the far … [Read more...]

Video For Real Estate: 6 Ways To Prevent “Blown Out” Windows In Real Estate Video

blown out windows

Real estate agents across the country are starting to realize they will need to incorporate video into their real estate business to remain relevant. The reason is simple: consumers are demanding video. Video says so much more than text or even the traditional medium of real estate  - images - could ever say. Through video a consumer can really get the "feel" of a home, lifestyle or location. Video adds context that would otherwise not be possible. There are literally … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video: Do lifestyle videos sell homes?

Do Lifestyle Videos Sell Homes?

Do lifestyle videos sell homes? I had a loan officer contact me over the weekend asking of I was making lifestyle videos, pointing me towards a WSJ article and video which seems to indicate they are all the rage or will soon be. The article goes on to list specific brokers in high end areas like SoCal and NY that are making lifestyle videos to hopefully give their multi million dollar listings an edge, even pointing to a sale in Nashville of a $1.7 mansion the buyer, who … [Read more...]

Video Testimonials: 13 recommendations to better video testimonials

real estate video

Testimonials seem to be all the rage. Especially in the real estate space. It seems like every time I turn around, a real estate agent or loan officer is asking me for a testimonial on LinkedIn or some other platform. Testimonials are important in part because of "social proof" or relatability but all testimonials are not created the same. A client of mine, who knows how much I love train wrecks, forwarded me a testimonial video for a title company the other day. The … [Read more...]


real estate marketing video

Vanilla is boring. I've said it before I will say it again and again. NO ONE goes out of their way for Vanilla. Yet, vanilla is everywhere. I'm not talking about ice cream, I'm talking about boring, bland, invisible. Most real estate agents are invisible. Not that they are "secret agents" as some call them, no, they are far from it - they are invisible because they say what most other agents say. They do what most other agents do. They hide in plain sight. When I … [Read more...]