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Real Estate Video Marketing | Meet The Real Estate Video Rock Stars

video for real estate agents

Change. It happens. If there is one thing I know for sure it's this: change is inevitable. Some people are scared of change. I love it. I love change in part because of what it creates. Change creates opportunity. Some people would have you believe change occurs over night. These are probably the ones that came up on the short side of change. They just didn't see it coming. In actuality, change is always happening. When it comes to change, there are those that spot … [Read more...]

Aerial Real Estate Video | Let The Arms Race Begin

Bank One Ballpark

The arms race has begun. When I say "arms race" I am referring to aerial video. I remember when I first saw an aerial video. I KNEW it was a game changer, more for me than most. It meant more for me as I had been using video in my business since 2008, I already had the cameras, lenses, jibs, cranes, software, c-stands, diffusers - you get the idea. I already owned everything that was needed to do real estate video - well. I say "do real estate video well" specifically … [Read more...]

Viral Video | Why It Ain’t Worth Much In Real Estate Marketing

Video thumbnail for youtube video Viral Video | Why It Ain't Worth Much In Real Estate Marketing - My Title Guy

So, I'm at home editing a cinematic HD real estate tour for a client when I get an email forwarded from another client. It's a video marketing class being taught here in Phoenix, Arizona; of course I have to check it out. Real estate video marketing is to today what "REO" was in 2007, "Short Sale" was in 2009 and "Green" was a few years ago - EVERYONE wants to talk about real estate video marketing so vendors (title, mortgage, appraiser, home warranty, real estate … [Read more...]

Real Estate Aerial Video. Is Aerial Video ILLEGAL?

aerial video real estate

"IT'S ILLEGAL! I saw it on the news the other day" Said a real estate agent. She was referring to real estate aerial video. Where did she hear this? From a VERY reliable source - a competing title rep. "What Stephen does is ILLEGAL!" she said. Or so they say. Hey, they've said worse, no really - they have. Trust me. OK, so by now you know me. Stephen Garner AKA MyTitleGuy. The bad guy. The guy that is forcing competing title reps to learn more about technologies that real … [Read more...]

EDDM | How To Use EDDM In Your Real Estate Business

Video thumbnail for youtube video EDDM | How To Use EDDM In Your Real Estate Business - My Title Guy

Did you hear that cheer? That was real estate agents across the country going craaaaaaaaazy over the United States Postal Service's EDDM program. What's EDDM?  Great question. EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mail. EDDM is a great program for reaching a large percentage of people for a small percentage of the "normal" cost of using direct mail marketing. Life Before EDDM Before EDDM the option to use direct mail in your real estate business was an expensive one. The … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video Marketing | 9 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Should Make A Video For EVERY Listing

phoenix real estate video

I got a call the other day from a real estate agent in Florida. His question: should I bother making real estate videos for my lower end listings? I used to get questions from real estate agents like "should I use video?", I don't get those so much anymore which tells me the real estate community is FINALLY catching on regarding video and how important it is for any business but especially real estate. What I told him and what I will tell you is YES! You should make a … [Read more...]

Real Estate Video Marketing | How To Become The Area Real Estate Expert

Subdivision real estate video

Consider this. You are in the market for a new home. Like over 90% of consumers you start your search online. You quickly realize - you will need some help. You have narrowed down your search to subdivisions or communities that are in your child's school district and in close proximity to your job. You are not familiar with all the neighborhoods at this point so working with a real estate agent or REALTOR® makes perfect sense. Given the scenario above, would you prefer … [Read more...]

Do you know where your real estate content comes from? Copyright Infringement

copyright infringement

Imagine. You're at work. Or at home. Maybe watching TV or on the phone. When it happens. You open up a letter that looks "official". It's a demand letter. From an attorney. And he wants $10,000. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS? FOR WHUT!? You scream sarcastically out loud. Copyright Infringement. The letter reads:   John Doe 1212 E Oh SNAP! Lane Phoenix, Arizona Dear Mr. Doe: This law firm represents [BIG Daddy]. If you are represented by legal counsel, please … [Read more...]


Buyers Select HUD

Choice. It's a beautiful thing. No one likes to be "forced" to do anything right? I know I don't. The thought of not having a choice reminds me of being a child. "Stephen... you will be home by 9:00!" Life simply isn't much fun without choice. Everywhere we go we have it - choice. We can choose to have Pepsi, Coke, water at our favorite restaurant. We can choose who we go to that restaurant with, again - no one likes to be told what to do. Having no choice simply sucks. … [Read more...]

Video Marketing In Real Estate: Message Over Medium

It seems everywhere you look you will find real estate video. On your mobile phone, iPad, Kindle and of course your computer. Real estate video is everywhere. And it should be Video Changed My Business I've been using video in my real estate business since 2008. To say it has changed my title business would be an understatement. I went from no distinguishable difference between me and the other 600+ title reps in the valley, to a clear value proposition - real estate … [Read more...]