Lately I have received a number of phone calls and emails from frustrated and to put it bluntly “pissed” real estate professionals. They are upset because their time is valuable. And they believe it’s being wasted.
They are being invited to real estate marketing classes that sound familiar. Classes that sound a lot like mine.
Believing I am teaching them, they are going. Driving from Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert to Scottsdale. Driving from Scottsdale, Glendale and the far west valley to Gilbert – for a marketing class. Only one problem. I am not teaching them. Another company is.
“I attended a content marketing class…….. and the instructor turned out to be ………. It was a waste of my time. In a two hour class, he presented about 30 minutes of info by simply reading the slides. I can read. I didn’t need to drive all the way to Scottsdale for that. He could have just emailed the info”.
My classes have become extremely popular because they are based upon what I did in MY OWN BUSINESS to build To generate leads. To make real estate videos. To rank on Page 1 of Google for the terms my ideal client would look for.
HUB Marketing is all about HOW I use social media and search engines to drive consumers OFF social networks to my website, my storefront, where they can learn more about me, my value, what problem I solve. Where they can watch my videos and my testimonials and search for homes and be sold on ME, without ME having to SELL myself.
What’s The Deal With Twitter debunks what you think Twitter is. That it’s dumb or a waste of time. You learn that Twitter is in fact, one of the best marketing tools that exists. IF you know how to use it. And that is what I show you in this class. Not HOW To TWEET, but how to drive TRAFFIC, how to LISTEN.
How To Use Video In Real Estate Part 1 is about the tools I use in my business and why. Its about saving you TIME & MONEY so you don’t make the mistakes I made when I started using video in my business. It’s about MINDSET. How to create valuable video content consumers would not only watch, but look for online. It’s about video editors and screencast software and website introduction videos, green screen and more.
How To Use Video In Real Estate Part 2 takes everything we talk about in part 1 and we actually DO IT IN CLASS. We shoot a video of a class attendee with a DSLR camera, we import it to our editing software. We edit it. We upload it to YouTube and we Optimize it for search.
YouTube Unzipped is all about YouTube. How to set up, configure and optimize your YouTube Channel. How to understand and use YouTube’s One Channel. How to turn on your channel trailer. Add external links in your profile. Set your default settings. Create and embed playlists. Annotations and more. A LOT more
Where to Get Content is all about the BEST places to get content for your WordPress real estate website and for your videos. All content IS NOT created equal and this becomes painfully evident for those that attend this class. They learn HOW your biggest competitors trick you into sharing their content and how it ultimately costs you clients. They also learn how to “flip the switch” to start leveraging the content HUGE content companies like FOX, CBS, WSJ, NY Times, ABC create.
These are my classes. The others are not. Agents and title reps around the country pay $250- $500 for access to my trainings in my Video For Real Estate Agents course. You have them right here in Phoenix.
What Stephen teaches works. I know it works from experience! How do I know I’ve taken these same principles and applied them to other kinds of organizations and I was absolutely blown away how quickly my videos were ranked. Literally I had a first page ranking within two hours of uploading a video. Of course everyone’s situation is different but I’m confident that you can grow your business and achieve your goals with the info Stephen provides.
Craig, Web Designer
“I am in Tennessee and I do some business in Mississippi as well. Honestly my mind is blown by all the information so far. Since I will be teaching these techniques to agents in my area I am very interested in how to structure a 2 hour class for my agents. On a scale on 1 to 10 I would give it 15. I have a lot to learn.”
Carroll Hoselton, Title Rep, Tennessee & Missisippi
I apologize to all the real estate professionals that feel like they have wasted their time driving to classes they thought were mine. Going forward, you will know if a class you are invited to is mine because it will appear on my training calendar, or if emailed or posted through facebook or twitter, clearly be marked and come from me, iFoundAgent or PRO-Found Marketing.
I have not taught a class in a while but my classes are coming back in FULL FORCE at “Web Wednesday”. Web Wednesday is a regular schedule of technology classes taught by the professionals that actually do it. The HOW TO. WordPress guys teaching WordPress. Video guys teaching video. SEO guys teaching SEO and so on. There is no “reading slides”. You can learn more about Web Wednesdays and register for a FREE class on the training calendar. There is a class every Wednesday at 1:00. They may not all be taught by me but the ones that aren’t are taught by guys I would stand next to and swear to their knowledge and experience on the subject. These are some of the best trainers in the valley and they are right here in your back yard at Web Wednesday.
Check out Web Wednesday, come and learn. And if you get invited to a class that is not listed above or is not on my website, know this: it’s not me.