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Video Testimonials: 13 recommendations to better video testimonials

real estate videoTestimonials seem to be all the rage. Especially in the real estate space. It seems like every time I turn around, a real estate agent or loan officer is asking me for a testimonial on LinkedIn or some other platform.

Testimonials are important in part because of “social proof” or relatability but all testimonials are not created the same.

A client of mine, who knows how much I love train wrecks, forwarded me a testimonial video for a title company the other day. The video, opened up with the agent introducing himself, and the testimonial… “they are great”. Yep, that was the testimonial. Doesn’t that make you want to run out and give your next escrow to this company? Wait -what’s that? NO?

Why Not? What’s that, there is no specific information in the testimonial? The agent does not say WHY they are great? The agent does not state the benefit of working with this title company? Hmmmm…

As video becomes more common place, video testimonials are sure to explode. Testimonials are FANTASTIC, well, GOOD testimonials are fantastic, because they are coming from someone that has DIRECTLY worked with you. Testimonials are INVALUABLE in part because we no longer  trust conventional advertising, instead leaning towards peer to peer recommendations. So, what better recommendation than a video testimonial? A video testimonial, because it is visual – is emotional allowing the viewer to identify with the person giving the testimonial.

So, to help you create better testimonials, I created 13 recommendations to better video testimonials

  • Intro: This is my pet peeve but I don’t like it when I hear a voice off camera saying “how have I helped you?” or something like that. It will mean more if it appears you are not even there. Just open up with the testimonial
  • Time: No longer than 60 seconds. We have a very short attention span these days. The shorter your video is the more likely someone will watch it and – make it to the end where your call to action should be. (better be).
  • Who: Who is giving the testimonial? Name, location, occupation
  • Problem: What was wrong? What did this person need help with?
  • Solution: How did you fix it? “Because of X I was able to Y” What was the result?
  • Recommendation: I would recommend X to anyone who wants “more listings”, “to take their business to the next level”, “to get found online” etc.
  • Script: Don’t use one. The best testimonials are real, not read. A read testimonial, even if it is 100% real will appear fake and therefor worthless if it’s obvious the person is reading.
  • Agenda: Don’t have one. Ask the person to give you feedback on video but don’t tell them WHAT to say. It will be more engaging this way.
  • Location: Pick it well. Try not to have any movement behind the person – people, cars, etc as it will become a distraction.
  • Audio: Nothing will sabotage a video faster than bad audio. Use a microphone. If you don’t have one see “location” above
  • Tripod: Use a tripod or other stabilizing device to prevent motion sickness of the viewer. Because you will likely be close to the subject or even zoomed in, any movement of the camera no matter how small will be pronounced.
  • EDIT: If you are going through the trouble of getting a testimonial on video, do it right. Edit the testimonial. Add a lower thirds for the persons name and occupation, add some images that represent the problem and solution and if you want to go for the gusto, add a light music behind the video.
  • Call To Action: What should the viewer do after watching the testimonial? Call? Email? Fill out a form?

A testimonial can be a very powerful motivator for consumers to check out your business IF they are done right. Use my 13 recommendations to better video testimonials.



Hi I'm Stephen Garner, I'm just a guy in the title industry {in Phoenix} trying to change how real estate agents market themselves and their services. To that end, I teach my clients HOW TO leverage sales technologies like WordPress, Content, Video, Camtasia, Final Cut X, iMovie and indexable IDX solutions to convey value and help your ideal client find you online when they are most interested in learning about you and your services. I work for escrows. Hire me!

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