Have you ever gone somewhere – a new listing, a listing appointment or maybe even met with a past real estate client and wished you had brought your video camera?
I don’t know, maybe you wanted to shoot the new listing or possibly even record an EPIC testimonial from a past client saying how AWESOME you are and WHY every smart buyer or seller should work with you, but you didn’t have your camera. Has that ever happened to you? If not – it will. I guarantee it. You will be using video in your real estate business.
While many real estate agents leave their homes/offices without their Flip Mino HD, Kodak Zi8, Kodak Zi10, SONY Bloggie or even DSLR cameras, most don’t leave without their iPad. So, I guess you could shoot a video on your iPad if you absolutely needed to but iPad video typically sucks.
Doesn’t it?
If you have been to Grand Canyon Title’s video marketing classes you know that the perfect video helps a consumer gather information or solve a problem. You also know that it is less than 3 minutes long, includes music, a visual call to action, is optimized for search, is embedded in a WordPress real estate website and - is edited.
Editing can take that corny real estate video shot on your iPad and take it to the next level. If only there was a good one out there. iMovie for iPad is OK but it is seriously lacking many of the tools that really make a video – POP. Oh and it costs money. Ya know, Green, Dead Presidents, Duckets, Bizzo’s, Benjamin’s. Well, today I came across a FREE video editing software for iPad 2 or iPad 3. It’s called Pinnacle Studio by Corel and it’s FREE for a limited time. {Update 9/19/12 – this app is no longer FREE}
You can even use Pinnacle Studio to edit your existing videos, you know those ones sitting on your iPad RIGHT NOW!
You can have the most amazing message but editing – adding music, transitions, text, logos, voiceover, pictures, video overlays etc – can take your real estate video production to the next level and differentiate you from your competitors.
As of the time of this post, 1:03 am on Sunday September 16th 2012 Pinnacle is FREE and says “FREE for a limited time”. How long will that be? Could end tomorrow, could end next month – I don’t know. What I do know is this: you should click the link below and download this great video editor for iPad before it disappears. Pinnacle Studio Works on iPad 2 and later. It WILL NOT work on the original iPad. {Update 9/19/12 – this app is no longer FREE}
Once you download Pinnacle Studio you may have questions on how to use it. If you are in Phoenix you can come to our video editing classes and learn how to use this program to take your real estate videos to the next level. You can expect to see smaller – hands on – workshops {12 and under} on the schedule soon. These workshops will be held at my office at 28th & Camelback.
So, did you get some value out of this post? Share it with someone else that would benefit, robust video editors for iPad like Pinnacle Studio don’t grow on trees ya know….
You in Phoenix? Sign up for one of our real estate marketing classes and learn the NEW RULES or real estate marketing.