Real Estate Agents, imagine for a moment you are a consumer. There yet? OK. Let’s say you and your spouse and your 2.2 children spent your Saturday open house hopping. It started out as an innocent trip to the grocery store and turned into a full fledged open house binge. In one house and out the other, you were on a tear! In every home you saw there was something called a real estate agent AKA – SALES PERSON. They all wanted the same thing – your precious contact information: name, email, phone number, blood type ya know the normal.
Still with me?
OK. They ask you all kinds of questions “how are you today?” “Do you live in the neighborhood? The Area? Would you like the tour? eventually leading to the big daddy: “Are you working with an agent?” All the agents seem like they are reading from the same scripts and dialogues. You are asked the same questions at open house after open house.
“how are you today?” “Do you live in the neighborhood? The Area? Would you like the tour? “Are you working with an agent?”
“how are you today?” “Do you live in the neighborhood? The Area? Would you like the tour? “Are you working with an agent?”
You have become quite good at dodging the questions. You answer: Good, No, Yes, No Thanks, Not yet, we were just in the area. Over and over again.
The Value
The real estate agents know they cannot ask for your email address and or phone number without the promise of VALUE. The problem: the best they can come up with is a list of homes for sale in the area or the opportunity to be notified when a new home goes on the market. They all say the same thing, they all have the same value, they are all vanilla
Then it happens
You walk into an open house, the real estate agent says “hello”, and invites you to take a tour around the home. As you take the tour you hear the real estate agent talking to someone. Weird because you are the only ones in the home. To make it stranger, the language you hear is nothing like you have heard before from a real estate agent. Instead of the TYPICAL talk of “comps, days on market, pre qual, listing agent, etc. you hear a conversation taking place. You turn the corner to see the real estate agent finishing a video of some kind.
It went like this:
Who is this guy? It’s Scott Cook, from Liberty One Properties AKA! Who was he talking to? It sounded strangely like a different level of service than you were used to from a real estate agent, not only that – this guy just raised the bar – significantly.
How did he do it?
With an underused real estate marketing tool: Screen Capture.
Screen Capture is a great way to convey value – your value – visually. How many times do you as a real estate agent send a vanilla, plain, bland, plano to a prospective buyer and HOPE they not only like the home but call you back? How many times do they? Not many right?
Could it be because real estate agents appear to be a commodity? Could it be because they don’t know where you begin and another real estate agent ends? Could it be because they do not see a difference between YOU – real estate agent A – and real estate agent B? I mean – WHO doesn’t know a real estate agent?
There are over 30,000 real estate agents here in the Phoenix metro area, you can stand out from your competition, you can demonstrate your value and service without talking about how “AWESOME” you are – how many homes you sell – your designations – your awards – through real estate marketing tools like screen capture. By the way: if you are talking about yourself, you can’t be talking about the needs of the consumer. . .
VANILLA is the kiss of death in real estate marketing. VANILLA is boring. VANILLA doesn’t stand out or get found. No one goes out of their way for VANILLA. Is your real estate marketing VANILLA?
Are you a Phoenix real estate agent that wants help growing your real estate business? Work smarter. As the Director Of Sales Technology for Lawyers Title I help real estate professionals like yourself grow your business with technology. From WordPress to Screen Capture, Indexable IDX Solutions to video I can help you grow your real estate business. Check out our HOW TO real estate marketing classes. Yes, we cover Screen Capture too.
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