Your real estate marketing isn't working. Not the way you want it to anyway. You have done all the things your "coach" told you to do. Still, nothing. They tell you it takes time. Your hand is sore from all the personalized notes you are sending. Your ego is bruised from all … Read More...
I am committed to helping our clients grow their real estate business. Consumer behavior has changed, more and more  buyers and sellers are finding their next home, lender, loan and yes - REALTOR®, not in their mailbox or grocery cart, but on the Internet. Look at … Read More...
They say there is no such thing as a self made man. That's true and not so true in my case. I'm Stephen Garner, AKA "MyTitleGuy". I started using video in my business in 2008, 5 years ago. I saw the "shift" in my own behavior and knew video would be HUGE, a … Read More...